
The hypercapnia package offers functions to estimate the global warming potential of volatile anaesthetics based on values described in Ryan and Nielsen (2010).


hypercapnia includes the ianes data with important key facts about frequently used anaesthetics.


Name MAC MW Density GWP20 GWP100 GWP500 Unit Color
Desflurane 0.060 168.0 1.45 6810 2540 130 240 #3c4f8b
Isoflurane 0.012 184.5 1.49 1800 510 160 250 #9a2d80
Sevoflurane 0.020 200.0 1.52 508 144 43 250 #f8e620

Reproducing Table 2

In the next code snippet we reproduce the Table 2 of Ryan and Nielsen (2010). (The values slightly differ because of different precision and ounding errors).

i <- match(
    rep(c("Sevoflurane", "Isoflurane", "Desflurane"), c(1, 3, 3)),
fgf <- c(2, rep(c(0.5, 1, 2), 2))
gph <- gram_per_hour(mass = ianes$MW[i], mac = ianes$MAC[i], fgf = fgf)
cde20 <- cde_gram_per_hour(
    mass = ianes$MW[i], mac = ianes$MAC[i], gwp = ianes$GWP20[i], fgf = fgf
tbl2 <- data.frame(
    name = ianes$Name[i], mac = ianes$MAC[i] * 100, fgf = fgf,
    gph = gph, gwp20 = ianes$GWP20[i], cde20 = cde20,
    r = cde20 / cde20[1]
    col.names = c(
        "Name", "et %", "FGF (L/min)", "Grams/hour", "GWP20", "CDE20 (g/h)",
        "Ratio CDE20"
    caption = paste0(
        "Comparison of Global Warming Impact of ",
        "Frequently Used Inhaled Anesthetics per MAC-Hour of Use at ",
        "Various Fresh Gas Flows; ",
        "MAC = minimal alveolar concentration; ",
        "et = endtidal;",
        "GWP20 = 20-year global warming potential; ",
        "CDE20 = 20-year carbon dioxide equivalent."
    digits = 1
Comparison of Global Warming Impact of Frequently Used Inhaled Anesthetics per MAC-Hour of Use at Various Fresh Gas Flows; MAC = minimal alveolar concentration; et = endtidal;GWP20 = 20-year global warming potential; CDE20 = 20-year carbon dioxide equivalent.
Name et % FGF (L/min) Grams/hour GWP20 CDE20 (g/h) Ratio CDE20
Sevoflurane 2.0 2.0 20.0 508 10136.7 1.0
Isoflurane 1.2 0.5 2.8 1800 4970.1 0.5
Isoflurane 1.2 1.0 5.5 1800 9940.2 1.0
Isoflurane 1.2 2.0 11.0 1800 19880.3 2.0
Desflurane 6.0 0.5 12.6 6810 85609.4 8.4
Desflurane 6.0 1.0 25.1 6810 171218.8 16.9
Desflurane 6.0 2.0 50.3 6810 342437.6 33.8

Reproducing Figure 1

In the next code snippet we reproduce the Figure 1 of Ryan and Nielsen (2010).

# order in Ryan2010 Figure 1
o <- c(1, 7, 4)
    setNames(tbl2$cde20[o], tbl2$name[o]),
    col = ianes$Color[match(tbl2$name[o], ianes$Name)],
    main = paste0(
        "Relative global warming impact of 1 MAC-hour of ",
        "3 inhaled anesthetics at 2 L fresh gas flow"
    ylab = expression(CDE[20]),
    sub = "CDE20 = 20-year carbon dioxide equivalent (in grams)"


Ryan, Susan M., and Claus J. Nielsen. 2010. “Global Warming Potential of Inhaled Anesthetics.” Anesthesia & Analgesia 111 (1): 92–98.